Code Challenge

Code challenges are part of the tests recruiters use to assess the skills of a programmer during coding interviews. Programmers sometimes also engage in code challenges just to practice new skills they have acquired and sharpen up old skills.

Why Code Challenge is Important to Hiring Managers?

As a hiring manager, you will desire to hire only the best developers. Fortunately, code challenges can help you identify high-skilled developers.
A candidate’s CV sometimes doesn’t tell the true level of skill the candidate possesses, which is why a further assessment is necessary when hiring a developer. Code challenge has been a perfect tool for such assessment for many years and it will continue to be a great assessment tool.

Importance of Code Challenge to Developers

As a developer, code challenges can help you in diverse ways. Some of the importance of code challenges to developers include the following:

1. Showcase skills to potential employers
Code challenges give developers the opportunity to showcase their skills during interviews, rather than just showing their certifications. As a developer, you have a very high chance of being hired when you pass code challenges.

2. Learn how to solve real-world problems
Hiring managers often design coding challenges to appear exactly like real-world problems. Hence, developers will get the chance to work on real-world problems. Most code challenges will require the ability to debug codes without the assistance of debugging tool.

3. Develop speed
A code challenge usually has a very short time limit and hence it forces developers to come up with a solution as quickly as possible. Developers who constantly engage in such a challenge will eventually be very fast in coding.

Types of Code Challenges

The major types of code challenges that exist include the following:

1. Open Code challenges
Just as the name implies, the opportunity to participate in this kind of code challenge is open to a lot of developers around the world. Some companies hire developers who excel in this kind of challenge or invite them for an interview.

2. Whiteboarding
This type of code challenge requires candidates to find solutions to coding problems on a whiteboard while recruiters are watching. Recruiters will not only watch out for the solutions candidates come up with but also observe how they manage the situation.

3. Take-home coding challenges
This kind of code challenge doesn’t exert much pressure on developers because it allows them to come up with solutions at their convenience. Deadlines also exist in this kind of code challenge, but the deadline is usually long enough to complete the challenge without rushing

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