Re-write Challenge

Rewrite challenge is one important tool for skill assessment when recruiting developers. In a rewrite challenge, recruiters will present some codes to developers and instruct them to rewrite the code in a way that all the bugs in the initial codes will be fixed in the new codes. Sometimes, developers will be required to use a very different approach when writing improved replicas of the existing codes. This challenge often takes place among many people within a limited timeframe to shortlist qualified and suitable candidates.

Why Do Developers Need to Engage in Rewrite Challenge?

Taking part in rewrite challenges provides a lot of benefits to developers. Unfortunately, only a few people understand the benefits of a rewrite challenge. Here are some of the benefits:

1. Helps developers improve their skills
As a developer, it takes time to learn proper coding techniques and a great deal of practice to improve your skills. Participating in a rewrite challenge helps you improve your coding skills. Also, the rewrite challenge gives developers who have several years of work experience the opportunity to stand out during interviews as the rewrite challenge is widely considered one of the toughest tests for newbies.

2. Helps in developing problem-solving skills
Rewrite challenge will help you as a developer become a pro in what you do. You will be able to spot mistakes in codes. Plus, it will reinforce your technical skills to write error-free codes.

3. Helps in developing speed
Rewriting challenge can help programmers becomes very fast when writing codes. Although rewriting might seem easy because a sample code already exists, it is actually one of the most challenging tasks for developers.
Rewriting often involves additional tasks that are usually not present when writing a code from the scratch. For instance, rewriting challenges usually require developers to go spot errors in existing codes even before they start writing any code. On the other hand, developers who are writing from the scratch don’t have to go through anyone’s code before they start writing their own codes.
The additional tasks that developers often work on while rewriting code often force them to work as fast as possible. Constant practice of working at such a high pace often results in the development of speed.

How Developers Can Rewrite Effective Codes

Here are the most important things developers who want to rewrite effective codes must pay attention to:

1. Learn algorithm and data structure
Going through long lines of code can be difficult even for experienced developers. However, developers who understand algorithms and data structure properly can understand codes written by other developers within a short time. Also, such developers will find it easy to spot bugs in codes.

2. Read varieties of codes
If you want to rewrite better codes, you have to fully understand the code you intend to improve. And of course, the ability to read codes is the prerequisite to understanding written codes. Besides, to rewrite better codes, you need to see where you are lacking and you can do so only by reading someone else’s code.

3. Always go for readability
The ability to write short and readable codes is very important. In fact, the purpose of a rewrite challenge sometimes is to test the developer’s ability to write readable codes. As a developer, you should always go for the shortest method of writing codes rather than writing long lines of codes that are difficult to read.

Importance of Rewrite Challenge to Hiring Managers

Rewrite challenge is very important to hiring managers. In fact, hiring managers value rewrite challenges more than developers. Here are the importances of rewrite challenges to hiring managers:

For making hiring decisions
Declaring job availability will automatically cause a lot of developers to submit applications. The number of applicants who seems qualified can greatly exceed what hiring managers can handle. In such a situation, it takes a very challenging test like the rewrite challenge to identify the most qualified candidates.

To understand how a candidate works with codes
Rewrite challenge will help recruiters understand how various candidates deal with codes. A candidate may be an excellent developer but may lack the ability to easily understand or work with other people’s code.

In an ideal company, a developer will sometimes have to work jointly with other developers or build upon codes written by other developers. Therefore, it’s necessary that recruiters understand how a candidate works with codes before they hire them.

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